
New relationship model



Strategic design




New relationship model



Strategic design




New relationship model



Strategic design



Ibercaja is one of the most important banking players in Spain, with special roots in the areas of Aragón, La Rioja, Guadalajara, Burgos and Badajoz, and strong expansion in Madrid, Catalonia and the Valencian area. They base their relationship with their customers on quality advice and proximity.

Project challenges

Immersed in a rapidly changing economic environment, Ibercaja needs to find a balance to address these three challenges:


Continuing to achieve the defined results in the entity's Business Plan in a highly changing environment


Define the relationship model: identify the value that the financial institution generates in its customers and building a new model from a human-centered approach.

Define the relationship model: identify the value that the financial institution generates in its customers and building a new model from a human-centered approach.

Define the relationship model: identify the value that the financial institution generates in its customers and building a new model from a human-centered approach.


Tangibilize the value proposition: apply the value proposition to the customer experience through service packaging and pricing strategy.

Tangibilize the value proposition: apply the value proposition to the customer experience through service packaging and pricing strategy.

Tangibilize the value proposition: apply the value proposition to the customer experience through service packaging and pricing strategy.

How can we redefine the value exchange model to make service payment more equitable for customers?

How we did it

In order to understand the organization's context, an internal and external investigation was conducted to identify the main triggers of positive impact of the entity in the lives of its customers. From there, a service and pricing proposal was designed to generate a more personalized and fair attention

The research aimed to "Identify the beliefs and values of customers in order to build a new relationship model that, including commissions throughout their life cycle, is perceived as valuable and fair".

The research aimed to "Identify the beliefs and values of customers in order to build a new relationship model that, including commissions throughout their life cycle, is perceived as valuable and fair".

The research aimed to "Identify the beliefs and values of customers in order to build a new relationship model that, including commissions throughout their life cycle, is perceived as valuable and fair".

With the analysis of all the information, a co-creation process was carried out with the Ibercaja teams to involve all the departments involved in the relationship with the client and the business strategy in the design of the solution.

A new banking relationship model.

The result

A new way of understanding the relationship between customers and their bank was designed, based on an understanding of their needs and future goals, which activates the role of a financial instrument in people's lives.

It has been a process of extensive reflection, in which we have achieved a value proposition that follows the bank's purpose and makes it tangible in line with the expectations of its customers.

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